The Wind

Obinna Noble
3 min readAug 23, 2021

Are We Really Lost in Space?

We get upset and confused when we lose control of things (most times), fundamental things such as Love, Businesses, Personal belongings and properties. There are natural phenomenas that are beyond the comprehension of man. The great scientists, shamans, sages and capitalists of the past, even with mass wealth accumulation still haven’t crack the nut behind death except for miracles when it comes down to faith and beliefs i suppose. This situation has led to cases of anger, depression and suicide.

As the great Herodotus quote:

“The worst pain a man can suffer: to have insight into much and power over nothing”

This article “The Wind” gives a comparative synopsis, similar to the wind literally. We were born into this world, witnessing the pleasantries and destruction this natural element is capable of. Now lets delve deep and understand the truth behind the existence of the wind. In alchemy, the four basic elements which are namely; Earth, Water, Air and Fire have their various intuition, spiritual values and humanely gifts. Since we are concerned about the wind which naturally consist of air, it is scientifically believed that air is an active element compared to earth which is passive. Air is believed to have a masculine force which is why i described it with a non-feminine pronoun, It. It can also be associated with astral projections. A good example of an astral project is sound. Music evolved from mixtures of pleasant sounds and the ‘Flute’ is a closely related air musical instrument.

However, we are not elaborating about the overwhelming joy, happiness, events and memories this element gives, rather we are giving a comparison to the natural phenomenon of loss. Even with air and its personality traits such as curiosity, intelligence, observance and a hyper active mind when viewed from a shamanic perspective, we can still relate with its mysterious and destructable force of perplexity when in its stormy form. A whirlwind would destroy and destabilize any matter it comes in contact with and this can be closely monitored with our everyday life of loss. This article was created to give readers an understandable view when dealing with loss and lack in our everyday lives. Only the creator know whereabouts from the north, south, east and west the wind blows, where it settles, if on an errand and if it carries with it a message.

When we give a close analysis in the book of Proverbs 16:9, We can without a doubt understand the point of King Solomon as he quotes:

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps”

The author in his mind clearly realized the mystery behind creation and that man was without the ultimate organ for detecting how the universe was made.

When we understand the mystery behind the wind element, we can develop a sense of calmness in the face of adversity. Maybe if we could phantom how the cosmos was designed, the force that initiates sunrise and sunset, how the sun lights up the world with a single flame, the undying love of the moon as it illuminates the night or how the stars in space could outnumber the grains of sands on earth then maybe we should be in control of everything else in our lives.



Obinna Noble

Oh God of creation, Direct my noble cause | Proverbs 16:9 | PRONOIA